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The Top 200
U.S. Music Retailers

The twelve months of 2022 were marked by Slowing Demand, Price
Hikes, And An Inventory Glut that challenged the Top 200 Retailers
The COVID Boom is over, and sales held up better than expected, but inflation, economic uncertainty, and excess inventory are cause for concern.  Musical tastes have become increasingly diverse over the past few decades, with Spotify now listing over 1,300 distinct genres on its popular streaming service. Not surprisingly, addressing this broad range of musical tastes requires a variety of retail formats. Thus, the 200 leading U.S. music products retailers, ranked by revenues and productivity in this report, are an equally diverse lot, including large national chains offering a comprehensive array of products, single store operations addressing a narrow market niche, and a multitude of variants that fall somewhere in between. Collectively, the group employed 23,287 in calendar 2022 and operated 1,174 outlets.

In the 2023 Top 200 Report, you will find detailed data on America's largest music stores, and what their sales were in the last year. In addition to total revenues, this report includes sales per employee, sales per store, and productivity rankings, as well as general background and contact information for the 200 largest U.S music retailers. The most current report includes information on companies with sales ranging from $2 million to $2 billion. Collectively, this group of leading music stores employs over 20,000 and accounts for more than 70% of overall music industry sales volume.

Available formats:

PDF: $65

Microsoft Excel + PDF: $119.95 - Spreadsheets include five years of sales history with year-over-year comparisons, store count, employee count, product types sold, CEO and complete contact information.

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Information in the current report includes estimated sales, employment and location count data for the largest 200 music stores in the United States.


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